Plant Health Care & Disease Management

Plant Health Care

Plant Health Care

Our extensive plant health care program detects and manages potential problems before they become serious.

Plant Health Care & Disease Management

Disease Management

As experts at providing tree care in Denver, we offer fully customized disease management plans for your trees. This kind of focus on preventative care and early detection is much more cost effective than removing a dead tree, ensuring a nourished, beautiful landscape for years to come.

  • Western Pine Beetle / Ips

    These invasive insects embed themselves in the bark of stressed or recently planted pine and spruce trees.

    What to look for:
    • A collection of yellow- or red-like dust
    • Fading tree color
    • Woodpeckers, which use these insects as a food source

    A bacterial disease that can kill branches or even whole plants, Fire Blight affects many members of the rose family and can be spread by pruning tools, insects, and more.

    What to look for:
    • Large dead branches
    • Leaves that turn yellow, brown, then black
    • Branches that curl at the end (creating a Shepherd’s Crook)
  • Boring Insects

    Boring insects typically develop underneath the bark of trees and shrubs, and injured trees or those under stress are more susceptible to them.

    What to look for:
    • Major limb dieback
    • Holes around tree wounds
  • Scale

    Scale generally develops on the limbs and trunks of many woody trees and shrubs, generally in the shape of an oyster shell with a black, brown, or gray color.

    What to look for:
    • Twig and branch dieback
    • Honeydew—a sticky, glossy substance—underneath the tree
  • Emerald Ash Borer

    Considered the most destructive tree insect pest in North America, Emerald Ash Borer kills millions of trees.

    What to look for:
    • Sparse foliage or canopy dying from the top down
    • “D” shaped exit holes in the bark
    • Tunnel-like galleries in the inner bark

    Affecting many different types of trees, though one of the most common insect issues in Ash trees in particular.

    What to look for:
    • Large, round exit holes
    • Sparse foliage
    • Major dieback
  • Dutch Elm Disease

    Cause by an aggressive fungus spread from tree to tree by female Elm Bark Beetles, this disease ultimately blocks water flow to the crown of the tree resulting in death within a few months to a year.

    What to look for:
    • Wilting branches
    • Leaves that turn yellow, become dry and crumble as they curl
    • Dark discoloration or streaks on wood just under the bark
  • Spider Mite / Aphid

    These are among the most common plant pests. Irrigation and water management are some of the easiest ways to combat them.

    What to look for:
    • Leaf discoloration
    • Leaf loss
    • Leaf flecking and scorching
    • Honeydew residue on leaves and under trees
  • Iron Chlorosis

    A lack of chlorophyll due to insufficient iron, this condition is often caused by high-density compacted soil.

    What to look for:
    • Leaf yellowing on the outsides while veins stay vibrant green
    • Overall yellow appearance of leaves
  • Tree Wrapping / Sunscald

    Colorado trees don’t always appreciate Colorado’s sunny winter days and can suffer from sunscald.

    What to look for:
    • Affected areas on south side of trees in direct sunlight
    • Affected areas on north side of trees due to reflection of sun from nearby white or light-colored surfaces
    • Affected areas begin by turning red, orange, or yellow
    • Eventually leading to ugly cracking and scarring of bark
    What To Look For
    • Affected areas could turn red, orange, or yellow at first.
    • This could lead to ugly cracking and scaring of the bark. In extreme cases, it poses a threat to the life of your trees.